Saturday 8 March

PDF of Program

8:30 - 10:30

Session 1: Opening Plenary

8:30 - 8:40


Dr Jessica Yang

8:40 - 9:15

Imaging findings of side effects of oncologic therapies in the abdomen

Prof Christine "Cooky" Menias

- Recognize intra-abdominal adverse effects of targeted therapies in relation to underlying principal molecular mechanisms.
- Describe imaging findings of common adverse effects of targeted cancer therapies.
- Review imaging features of adverse effects related to Immunotherapy.

9:15 - 9:45

Prostate cancer in the MRI era

Prof Clare Tempany

- To understand the role of MRI in prostate cancer from detection to staging
- Overview of PI-RADS and its results in clinical care
- To learn how MR can guide biopsy and therapy

9:45 - 10:15

The indeterminate small liver lesion: when and how to follow up

Prof Yves Menu

10:15 - 10:30


10:30 - 11:00

Morning Tea

11:00 - 12:30

Session 2A: GIT

11:00 - 11:25

IgG4 in the abdomen

Dr Mark Goodwin

- To learn about the common and uncommon patterns of IgG4-related disease in the abdomen and pelvis.
- To learn tips and tricks for differentiating IgG4-related disease from other disease entities.

11:25 - 11:45

GI manifestations of vasculitis

Dr Katerina Mastrocostas

- Classification of vasculitides that affect the gastrointestinal tract and their presentation.
- Diagnostic pathway for vasculitis involving the gastrointestinal tract.
- Imaging manifestations of vasculitis involving the gastrointestinal tract.

11:45 - 12:05

Visceral artery dissection

Dr John Vedelago

- To recognise the imaging features of visceral artery dissection in the abdomen.
- To understand the distribution and frequency of this pathology.
- To incorporate a visceral artery review into our abdominal cross sectional imaging search pattern.

12:05 - 12:20

Cystic lesions in the abdomen

Dr Arani Halder

- Become familiar with common and rare cystic lesions in the abdomen and pelvis.
- Understand the differential diagnosis, initial management and follow up of these lesions.

12:20 - 12:30


11:00 - 12:30

Session 2B: Pelvis and Renal

11:00 - 11:20

MRI screening for hereditary renal tumors

Dr Sonja Gustafson

- Hereditary conditions that qualify for annual screening and the appearance of kidneys in those with these conditions & their potential lesion appearances at screening & diagnosis.

11:20 - 11:40

The sinking ship: MRI of the pelvic floor

Dr Arjuna Somasundaram

- Appreciate the utility of dynamic pelvic floor MRI.
- Learn what the referrer wants, and what the radiologist should look for.
- Understand the fundamentals of how to perform and report these studies.

11:40 - 12:20

Rectal cancer: Making a difference with MRI

Dr Kirsten Gormly

- How to get the most from the latest imaging techniques.
- Staging updates.
- Can the patient avoid surgery after treatment?

12:20- 12:30


12:30 - 1:30


1:30 - 3:00

Session 3A: Hepatobiliary

1:30 - 2:00

Biliary tumours: Making challenging cases easy

Prof Yves Menu

2:00 - 2:20

Hépatites sans frontières: the global liver infection quiz

Dr James Seow

- To interactively test your infectious liver disease imaging skills and general geography knowledge

2:20 - 2:35

Liver ultrasound elastography and fat quantification

Dr Paul Simkin

- The principles of acquiring reliable liver stiffness measurements with US based shear wave elastography, including quality assurance and troubleshooting.
- Dealing elastography results that are discordant with the B-mode imaging.
- A brief overview of ultrasound fat quantification technology.

2:35 - 2:50

What's new in HCC surveillance and assessment of treatment response

Dr Jessica Yang

- Find out what's new in HCC surveillance
- Find out what's new in the assessment of HCC treatment response
- Find out about new LI-RADS updates



1:30 - 3:00

Session 3B: Female Pelvis

1:30 - 1:50

Endometriosis: The modern curse

A/Prof Anusch Yazdani

- To describe the common clinical presentations of endometriosis.
- To describe the classification and staging systems of endometriosis.
- To describe management options for those diagnosed with endometriosis in line with the Australian Clinical Management Guidelines.

1:50 - 2:10

MRI for endometriosis in the pre-surgical patient

Dr Bridget Sutton

- Scan protocol optimization and systematic reporting.
- Presurgical mapping of DIE in anterior, middle and posterior compartments of pelvis.
- MRI diagnosis and preoperative assessment of suspected extra pelvic disease eg. diaphragm, anterior abdominal wall, sacral plexus or sciatic nerve.

2:10 - 2:50

Practical approach to female pelvic MRI

Prof Christine "Cooky" Menias

- Discuss indications for female pelvic MRI, highlighting patient preparation and imaging protocols.
- Illustrate key anatomy and show how to characterize tissues on MRI.
- Describe imaging findings of common benign and malignant conditions

2:50 - 3:00


3:00 - 3:30

Afternoon Tea

3:30 - 5:00

Session 4A: Oncology

3:30 - 4:00

Neuroendocrine tumours: Why the Radiologist needs to think differently

Prof Yves Menu

4:00 - 4:15

PET/Dotatate for the abdominal radiologist

Dr Tom Huang

- Recognise the physiologic distribution of DOTATATE-PET and common incidentals.
- Krenning score and common diagnostic pitfalls.
- Basics of Lutetium Theranostics and interpreting post-treatment scans.

4:15 - 4:30

Tips on cancer staging

Dr Divya Mehta

- Discuss imaging appearances of a few primary abdominal malignancies, review their TNM staging and patterns of spread.

4:30 - 4:45

RECIST reporting in a nutshell

Dr Sally Ayesa

- Revise the RECIST 1.1 criteria for reporting oncology studies.
- Consider how RECIST 1.1 reporting criteria can be used in practice with case examples.

4:50 - 5:00


3:30 - 5:00

Session 4B: Prostate and Bladder Cancer

3:30 - 4:00

Prostate MR: The technical stuff including quality assessment

Prof Clare Tempany

- To understand the technical aspects of the 3 key sequences required for PI-RADS v2.1
- To learn how to apply a quality review-PI-QUAL
- To learn the MRI appearances of benign conditions of the prostate

4:00 - 4:20

Bladder cancer assessment (VI-RADS) and the utility of PET

Dr Jash Agraval

4:20 - 4:50

Prostate recurrence reporting and role of MRI in post-focal therapy assessment

Prof Clare Tempany

- To understand current prostate cancer treatments used for loco-regional disease
- To review the appearance of the prostate gland after therapy
- To learn how to identify and report post treatment local recurrence

4:50 - 5:00


5:00 - 5:45

Welcome Drinks

Industry Exhibition

7:00 - 11:00

Meeting Dinner

Isoletto Privé, Star Gold Coast

Sunday 9 March

8:30 - 10:30

Session 5

8:30 - 9:00

Liver metastases: New trends that are useful in daily practice

Prof Yves Menu

9:00 - 9:30

Bowel obstruction in the gastric bypass patient

Prof Christine "Cooky" Menias

- Review imaging of Post Roux-Y-Gastric bypass.
- Highlight complications after gastric bypass.
- Emphasize Imaging features that should not be overlooked.

9:30 - 10:00

Research discussion and tips to have your article published

Prof Christine "Cooky" Menias (Editor in Chief, Radiographics), Prof Yves Menu (Immediate Past Editor in Chief, European Radiology), Dr Gabes Lau (Editor in Chief, JMIRO)

10:00 - 10:30

Mendelson Research Prize Presentations

10:00 - 10:10

Prognosticating factors in PET CT and MRI of cervical cancer treated with chemoradiotherapy

Dr Dominic Ku

10:10 - 10:20

External validation of a deep learning model for automated lesion detection and bony metastasis classification on PSMA PET-CT in prostate cancer

Dr Minh-Son To

10:20 - 10:30

Double-oblique axial T2 imaging during rectal MRI – A case series

Dr Peter Zarzour

10:30 - 11:00

Morning Tea

11:00 - 1:00

Session 6: Renal MDT

11:00 - 11:15

Urologist's approach to renal lesions/incidentalomas

Dr Chris Tracey (Urologist)

- Appreciate the approach to small renal mass from a urologist's perspective.
- Appreciate the nuances of imaging important for perioperative planning with respect to partial nephrectomy.

11:15- 11:25

SBRT for renal cell cancer

Dr Andrew Oar (Radiation Oncologist)

11:25 - 11:35

Percutaneous ablation for renal cell cancer

Dr John Grieve (Interventional Radiologist)

11:35 - 11:50

Renal contrast enhanced ultrasound - Breaking out of the bubble

Dr Dean Rabinowitz

- Review the basics of contrast enhanced ultrasound as a technique.
- Review the current approach to diagnosis of cystic and solid renal lesions.
- Consider the specific indications where CEUS should be used as an alternative or adjunct to other methods.
- Observe key examples of cystic and solid lesions using CEUS technique.
- Conclude with some ideas of how we can increase the uptake of CEUS as part of routine practice.

11:50- 1:00

Renal MDT

Panel: Dr Arj Somasundaram (Radiologist and Chair), Dr John Grieve (Interventional Radiologist), Dr Chris Tracey (Urologist), Dr Admire Matsika (Pathologist), Dr Andrew Oar (Oncologist)

- Learn the nuances of RCC management through robust debate and discussion.
- Tips and tricks for imaging RCCs and how to provide added MDT value.
- A showcase of multidisciplinary specialist knowledge.

1:00 - 1:15

ARGANZ Annual General Meeting


1:00 - 2:00

2:00 - 4:00

Session 7

2:00 - 2:05

Mendelson Research Prize / ARGANZ Research & Education Grant Announcements

Dr Won Kyung Sung

2:05 - 2:45

Cases from the Cooky Jar

Prof Christine "Cooky" Menias

2:45 - 3:05

Improving radiology globally and locally: Who, how and why? (And it's not AI)

Dr Kirsten Gormly

3:05 - 3:15

Article review - Pancreatic IPMN Kyoto protocol

Dr Geertje Noe

- Brief outline of the Kyoto guidelines for the management of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas and its latest revision.
- To become familiar with the latest management algorithm for intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm.

3:15 - 3:25

Myth buster #1: Sorry, this can't be biopsied

A/Prof Tom Sutherland

- Discuss the breadth of lesions that can be biopsied.
- Discuss the importance of biopsy to guide management and support minimally invasive therapies.
- Discuss which vessels just don't bleed.
- How to evaluate the risk of a radiologist with a needle versus a surgeon with a knife.

3:25 - 3:35

Myth buster #2: This dilated CBD is a choledochal cyst

Dr Mayooran Kandasamy

- A brief overview of the imaging features, morphology and classification of choledochal cysts.
- Learn about differentiating extrahepatic choledochal cysts from a dilated CBD.

3:35 - 3:45

Myth buster #3: You can't give gad in renal failure

Dr Matthew Aitken

- Understand the safety profile of gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) and their use in patients with renal failure.
- Differentiate between high-risk and low-risk GBCAs and their implications for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF).
- Apply current guidelines to safely administer GBCAs in patients with impaired renal function.

3:45 - 3:55


3:55 - 4:00

Closing Remarks

Dr Jessica Yang

RANZCR CPD hours may be claimed for the meeting

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